Tag: ldh assay

Circular RNA_0037128 aggravates high glucose-induced damage in HK-2 cells via regulation of microRNA-497-5p/nuclear factor of activated T cells 5 axis

Circular RNA_0037128 aggravates high glucose-induced damage in HK-2 cells via regulation of microRNA-497-5p/nuclear factor of activated T cells 5 axisCircular RNA_0037128 aggravates high glucose-induced damage in HK-2 cells via regulation of microRNA-497-5p/nuclear factor of activated T cells 5 axis

Round RNAs (CircRNAs) have been reported to play important roles within the development of DN. Herein, the motion of round RNA_0037128 (circ_0037128) was investigated in DN. The extent of circ_0037128,